My 2012 Resolutions were:
Healthy Choices: I would definitely say that was a total success considering the fact that I am the fittest I've ever been before in my entire life and maintaining healthy eating and workout habits with the help of my amazing accountability team. I have completely over turned the contents of my pantry and fridge and that has helped me over turn my closet a few times this year!
Joyful Obedience: I'm still terrible about getting the laundry done on a regular basis and I have to scramble to get the house clean every time someone is coming over (feel free to count that as an invitation to make house calls) but in regard to trusting and obeying God and His plans for me, that is becoming simpler daily with prayer and humble submission. Now I just need to remember that everything I do is meant to glorify the Lord and that includes laundry and vacuuming with joy and gratitude in my heart.
Read more: Not as successful as I had hoped, but I did read more in 2012 than in 2011, so we'll call it a win. I will say that since the living room is basically just a couch and a fireplace now, I have read significantly more. I fully intend continue that upswing this year and have already clocked an hour toward that goal.
More homemade, less store bought: I would definitely say that has been accomplished. Decorations, clothing, pieces of furniture, and lots of food have been made and enjoyed by us over the last year. There is more that I can be making myself and I'll work this year to implement more of those things into our lives, but I feel quite satisfied with the progress made this year toward becoming more self-sustainable. Next comes chickens. Okay, kidding (for now) but composting and vegetable growing is on the list for this year!
I very much look forward to what is in store for 2013 and I am excited to see who I am a year from now, as the Lord continues to mold my heart and draw me nearer to Himself!
My 2013 Resolutions:
My 2013 Resolutions:
Continue growing each of those 2012 resolutions
Take my sabbath more seriously- make time to relax
Make time in the Word a higher priority
Aim for intentionality and authenticity in all relationships
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