Monday, March 31, 2008

Repent and Reform!

I wish the crazies on our campus would sing like they do at Tracy's school...
No, here they just shout judgemental damnation...

They stand out in front of Dale Hall, telling me about how I'm going to hell for listening to rock'n'roll and bearing my legs in public (for wearing a just-below-knee length skirt, btw).

All of last week, they stood shouting at us, drawing huge crowds of students arguing back giving them the gratification of persecution... I'd just walk by and giggle...

Today, another crazy but no more crowd. Yes, they have indeed Bibled-out the students of OU.

Good job.

Funny how they forget love and grace... Whatevs.

1 comment:

Tracy Jabbal said...

no no... i omitted the shouting. those guys are always out there. one time alex & i were walking together and he pointed right at us and called us "FORNICATORS!"

they're nuts here too. don't worry.