Monday, September 15, 2008

Come On Already!

Good night nurse, I'm ready for things life to pick up again! I really want to work and I am so excited about starting classes that it almost hurts! Fortunately, the job starts Tuesday at 10am! And with any luck, I'll come home to a newly carpeted bedroom and study! Then after exactly one month to the day, I'll be able to move myself in... Mom and Pops absolutely cannot wait to get their dinning room back, I'm sure! And I can't wait to have my life organized and back in order, but most of all, I'm excited to not be living out of boxes and bags any more!

Completely unrelated- I love babysitting in this town. People here have too much money and will use it to ensure that you'll actually answer the phone when they call to schedule the next date or appointment. Apparently, I am in high enough demand around here that I can incur $12 per hour as the going rate for the family wanting first place in the pecking order of my calendar... I'd say that's a little gratuitous- $7 or $8 per hour is just fine by me, but why negotiate for less when they want to throw their money at you? Better yet, agree to babysit a few kids from a couple families so all of their parents can go party together- you get paid a solidly huge chunk from the coordinating parents AND have other parents tip you as well! Yeah, that's fine; I'll buy myself a tank of gas and some croutons for a drive on up to Noma off the bonus bucks.

I'm really hungry but having just finished reading Night by Elie Wiesel, I almost feel bad walking out to my excessively stocked pantry and/or fridge in the middle of the night at my own freedom.

1 comment:

Tracy Jabbal said...

hey woman! we need an update on how the first day at Tart went! gosh!