Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A Cappella Dreams

Per Tracy's request- here is my update of how my first rehearsal as a Redliner went! It was on Monday evening, and I got a bunch of music, and am still missing some. But it was an hour and a half of learning the tenor line of O.K. Oklahoma, OU Chant, and Kiss the Girl. It's a challenge, but I'm enjoying it! The people are all very nice, and easy to work with... We have our winter concert December 6, titled The First Annual Fireside Cuddle with the Redliners. I'm incredibly excited! You should be in Norman, OK on that evening.

1 comment:

Tracy Jabbal said...

hooray! i'll look into the 6th of december... i haven't been to OU since The Great Campus Tour of 03.

i updated too... i've been having an interesting day.